Werewolf - but without the wolf?
A downloadable Card game
- In werewolf there are multiple roles for each person. the game requires at least 7 people to play to fill these roles. The roles that players can receive are the Witch, Seer , Werewolf, Villager, Drunk and Doctor. Each of the roles does their own thing but the main point of the game is there a day phase and night phase. During the day phase, a discussion on killing someone who could be the wolf (the players can vote a player to kill or skip through the day to progress to night if there are no suspicions). At night, everyone sleeps (closes their eyes) and people with abilities (such as the werewolf's capability to kill or the Doctors protection/healing) wake up at different times during the night to use them. Afterwards the day phase begins, everyone wakes up and finds out who has died, if any have. As well as who has been healed, poisoned etc.
The Aim
- The aim for the villager is to find out who the werewolves are and to kill them by voting. The werewolf's goal is to kill all the villager's before they're found out
Target audience
- Our target audience for this Mod is people above the age of 7. With groups of around 7. The reason for this is because we feel that each player will have a basic understanding of what to do, i.e. how to play ad how to win the game. We have also decided to try to appeal to big groups as we believe that the game requires a lot of players to have a long and fun game because small groups lead to easy and/or boring games, so this is best suited to be a family game or even a friend group type of game to play.
The Assets
- For this game, we created a new set of cards for the players to use and experience, with this new version of Werewolf there's a lot to learn but we made sure that the cards were simple but easy to understand.
- Unfortunately, we were unable to make a playtesting video due to the team being too busy, ill or hard to contact. we were also not able to assemble another group to help with the playtesting as the rest of the groups and other students were too busy to make the time, which is completely understandable.
- Next time, in advance for this possibly happening again, we will assign days throughout the week or at the very least calls to organize meet-ups to cover and complete needed work.
Status | Prototype |
Category | Physical game |
Authors | Blepygolepy, Gordon Robertson, Don't Trip |
Genre | Card Game |
Tags | in-person, party-game, Tabletop, werewolf |