Welcome to the 2D world of my future DND campaign!

The Land of Drakous, a world of various different creatures from the tiny Gnomes to giant yet idiotic Orcs. this world has everything you could ask for as well as some things you would not expect. 

This 2D Top-Down game is inspired by many things I am interested in such as the Studio Ghibli films, Howls moving castle and Spirited away. And even D&D but mainly based off of the theme I was given, Individual liberty. Individual liberty being that a person can express themselves freely without discrimination. With this game you can do just that! You can explore this short 2D game to how you wish and even get to know a few characters I have made such as the classy Mr toad, to Caleb the ghost. 

With the multiple players I have created you can even choose your own preference, from a more visibly masculine character or just neutral, it is up to you.   

This game may not be the best considering I'm lacking a lot of skills in the programming aspect but I hope you enjoy other aspects of the game such as the interactive NPCs and well as two areas I have created for fighting/combat. In the future I may come back to this project if possible to amend any errors that may still occur after this games due date.

for the meantime, Enjoy adventurer!


You have been transported to a strange land that looks nothing like what they are used to, full of beasts and reptiles but a few humans but they have some strange features. It is the your job to complete the assignment they were given, the reason they were transported to this magical land, to help bring peace back to the once was happy village which resides in Drakous. Once you have helped the residence within Drakous you will be given the choice to stay here in this mysterious land, known as a hero and praised by everyone around you or go back home to your regular life. 


  • W,A,S,D- Movement
  • E- Interactions
  • Left click-  attack (if working correctly)
  • Space bar- stamina


This game is currently under repair as it broke during its upload onto Itch.io, I will try to amend the issue if possible but with the files being lost that may be difficult to achieve.

I am sorry for the inconvenience...


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looks super good but kinda doesn't yknow, work. great art tho!

yeah, unfortunately due to a C# code I did (skin manager), unity was upset with me and now it won’t work on here but oh well. Thank you though!